Flow of a raw file to a memory meta chain entry
High level flow
Last updated
High level flow
Last updated
A data file can be manually logged as a memory by the user or it can be automatically captured and processed by the Ethernos wallet application.
The pre-cortex checks during the pre-cortex staking if the file that entered the pipeline is new or if it was processed before. If the file is not new it references it to the pre-cortex ledger and moves it further to the Anti-proof of history step. If the file is new it logs it as an entry in the pre-cortex ledger and prepares the file for the active cortex processing.
During the processing in the active cortex, the cognitive blocks are extracted, followed by factual blocks. Historical reference is identified based on the ML signature match. The new blocks are replaced by references to the old blocks for the matching cases. The meta chain memory is added to the meta chain ledger. Full description in Cortex Processing.
The Anti-proof of history mechanism is triggered by the new creation event in the meta chain ledger. Historical duplicates are verified and the new factual blocks without a historical match or ML signature are compared against other blocks present in the older meta chain entries. If matches are found the new blocks are replaced by the older blocks and the meta chains where the match was found are indexed in a new affinity pool. The blocks without a match remain unindexed and maintain their position in the meta chain entry. Full description in Anti-proof of History.
A raw file associated with a memory can be stored on the device where the wallet app is installed. Additionally, it can be backed up with another secondary wallet of the user and it can be fully backed up in the Ethernos cloud depending on the user choice and user wallet functionality.
The real-time processing happens against the factual and cognitive blocks defined in the childhood learning phase. More personal models a user has defined more efficient the processing and indexing of the memories meta chains will be.
E.g. of a trained model