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Both the meta chain ledger and the raw files associated with memories are stored on the device running the Ethernos Wallet application
Users with multiple devices running an Ethernos wallet have all their raw files stored on the specific devices running the wallet application. The meta chain ledger is be shared across all the devices. More details about the Synching and Vault staking in the technology Overview page. One of the devices running the Wallet can be set as Master Wallet and an active backup of all the files from the other devices can be enabled. An active backup ensures that all the files connected to a raw memory from any of the wallets are backed up in the master wallet.
The user master wallet is backed up in an encrypted cloud container partition dedicated to each specific user. The amount of storage in the cloud backup is dependent on the monthly fee paid by the user.
There are 2 phases in the evolution of Ethernos.
Phase 1. The technology uses a centralized traditional file storage solution, while the Phase 2 infrastructure of Decentralized File Storage is built and released.
Phase 2: Is represented by a IPFS alike approach with single file splitting and encryption of the splits stored on different nodes.