Problems targeted
Ethernos - Blockchain to Backup your brain
A highly scalable and evolutive project designed to mine and backup all your day-to-day memories using digital captured data sources, so that you can live longer than your cells.
Our brains have a limited validity date
The mind, memories, experiences, and our conscience are the most valuable assets that define who we are as individuals. They are all stored on a no backup biologic storage with a limited validity date - the human brain.
At Ethernos, our theory is that hat our mind and memories can live way longer than our cells.
Biological memory mortality
The older humans get, their neural and brain cells are prone to death and failure. Ultimately when a human dies there is no way to extract anything that used to be a memory and all the experiences accumulated in a lifetime are forever lost.
Aging and degenerative disease
The older the humans get, the chances to develop a brain degenerative disease are increasing year by year. It is observed a high incidence of brain degenerative diseases across people older than 50 years. This is in all cases irreversible and the final outcome is in most cases death. There are no solutions to prevent or to treat these diseases and all the available medications are focused on slowing down the evolution of the disease. It is not clear why it occurs and which are the mechanisms behind it, but one thing is certain- it happens with a high incidence.
Sensitive to shocks and physical damages
Our brains and ultimately our memories are very sensitive to strong external stimulus impacts, shocks, and any physical external forces. Accidents or strong impacts on the human skull can lead to serious brain damages or even death. Once damage happens the implication of this on the memory and brain functional integrity level is always on the pure choice of luck.
No digital data backup available for our long term memories
There is no digital solution available for the most important part of the human self. Once the brain loses its biological viability all the data accumulated is forever lost.
Loss of data due to hardware failures or changes at every 2-3 years
The rapid technology evolutions and hardware developments almost force people to change their phones, laptops, and devices every once in a while. With every change comes a huge loss or abandoning of older data that at the time of change is not considered not so relevant anymore. In general, people care more about the recent past information and tend to ignore where the older information is stored and how. In a 10 years time frame it is estimated that an average person loses more than 90% of all its past data such as pictures, memories, documents, notes, ideas, and others. All this data represents bits of our memories and in most cases contains a more precise and granular representation of our memories compared to the remembered detail of memory we can recall from our brain storage. For E.g a video from 10 years ago contains more specific details about a certain moment than we can ever recall from our own memories.
Data Storage Privacy
More data a user generates, the higher the chances that data ends up in the hands of the wrong third parties. An entire set of measures and regulations emerged globally in the last 8 years with the aim to increase the privacy and anonymity of personal data. Although the big companies still find backdoors to exploit in their interest data of billions of people.
Cross-device/mixed worlds user experiences generate segmented and disconnected data sets for the same events in our lives.
Humans use on average on a daily basis, about 3 connected devices. The data experience is different and segregated to each of them. In the context of time and data time mapping, it is critical to understand how data coming from different sources parallels the same event, what is duplicated, and where the complementary points between these data exist.
Deep tech cognitive systems are years away from being able to recreate ourselves
Controversial, strange, and scandalous for some people. It is questioned if the first biologically printed human being will be brought to life in the next 30 years, but there are strong and clear indicators that it will happen one day and the chances for that day to be in our lifetime are relatively high. The technology advancements that lead to the tipping moment group year by year in a closing loop. For some people, the moment when this becomes available will be too late in the future. What can be done until that time? What options do people have to establish an early backup of their brain or at least of their most defining memories?
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